B.C. Conservative MLA Dallas Brodie’s recent post(s) on her social media account(s) prove that First Nations peoples still have to fight an uphill battle when it comes to unmarked graves and burials on the grounds of former residential schools.
Posting on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Ms. Brodie spoke in support of an unnamed lawyer who has requested that the B.C. Law Society change the wording in their training material to use the word “potential” in association with burial sites at the former residential school in Kamloops, B.C. Citing concern for law, Ms. Brodie stated, “…..The importance of truth and evidence…. is the cornerstone of everything in law.”
Ah yes, law. Would that be the same law that sees Native peoples grossly overrepresented in B.C.’s jails? Or perhaps it’s the same law that sees a grossly disproportionate suicide rate among Native and Inuit youth?
Let’s cut to the chase here: what’s the best way to downplay and minimize an issue that you really wish would just go away? You introduce doubt. If the burial sites are only “potential,” then that means there is doubt whether or not childrens’ remains are actually buried there. Which leads to the possibility that something else happened to all those children. And voilà! The entire residential school tragedy is reduced to the level of tabloid fodder.
For shame, Ms. Brodie. For shame.
M. Jerome
Co-Founder & Media/PR Director
Us Too Advocacy Group
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