Governments fail male victims of Intimate Partner Violence.

Headline: Provincial and Federal Governments in Canada have failed
male victims of Intimate Partner Violence.

Here is my Story.
I am a victim of Intimate Partner Violence at the hands of my wife.
Verbal, emotional and mental abuse. Twice I’ve been physically
abused (nearly a year ago).

Repeatedly I’ve had to call the Police and repeatedly they have done
nothing. In fact, on 1 occasion last year, I was in fact blamed by
the Surrey RCMP and thought that I was going to be arrested even
though I was the victim.

Last summer I suffered a major mental breakdown and became extremely
suicidal. I had an active plan and had a knife to my wrist and was
ready to slash my arm wide open. I called 911 on myself and rather
than the Surrey RCMP send their mental health team (Car 67), they
sent heavily armed Police. My neighborhood was surrounded by cop
cars, I had 13 cops with the Rifles aimed at me, red ‘beads’ from
their lazer pointers on my back even though I was already in
handcuffs behind my back and cooperating with the Police.

Why am I continuing to be treated like the ‘Aggessor’? Is it because
I’m the man? Is it because I’m Indigenous? Or is it both?

For FAR too long, the Province of BC and the Government of Canada
have done absolutely nothing for Indigenous men or men who are
victims of Intimate Partner Violence.

It is well known that I am severely physically disabled and
incapable of adequately defending myself. Even of I tried to defend
myself, I know for a fact that I’d be treated as the aggressor and
would find myself arrested and going to jail, charged with a crime
that was committed against ME!

Not a single Safe House for battered men exists anywhere in
Canada…NOT 1! Yet, the BC Provincial Government continues to fund
Safe Houses for battered women (which is a good thing), yet they do
NOTHING for men.

What’s the solution for men such as myself? Homeless shelters where
they have to sleep on a mat on the floor and be up and out for the
day at 7am and wait in line at 6pm in hopes of having a mat for the
night, surrounded by drug addicted, criminals, and other Violent men
assaulting others in the shelter. Being as disabled as i am as a
result of my workplace injury and having lumbar fusion surgery just
prior to the Pandemic, I’d be an easy target for violence, theft,
robbery, assault.How is this a safe place? It’s not! Nevermind the
fact that throughout my entire life from childhood until present day
I’ve been repeatedly victimized by women (and men), including my own
so-called ‘mother’.

Both the BC Privincial Government and the Government of Canada have
FAILED me and COUNTLESS other men!

© 2022, admin. All rights reserved.

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